Front dimensions: 3,5 x 2.5 cm
Approximate weight: 6.5 gr
(It is delivered with steel chain).
Perth is a representation of the force of destiny in its broadest expression. It is based on the notion of Ørlög, which translates as destiny, but its exact meaning refers to the concept of cosmic law (Ør-Principle/lög-Law), hence it means, literally, primary extracts that govern life, the deepest strata of being. These extracts, self-determined by past actions, are the laws that govern all beings: gods and men.
This idea is similar to that of Hindu karma in that the law of causality functions, invisibly, as an accumulation of facts. Consequently, when Perth appears, it indicates that deep forces of internal transformation are at work and what is achieved is not easy, nor can it be understood immediately. Something related to the situation she represents is hidden, disguised or remains secret.
Perth announces, on the side of the mundane, probable surprises such as sudden gains, the start of an unexpected relationship, moving activity, etc. On the spiritual side, it is time to rise above the everyday and ordinary, as in the flight of the phoenix, to acquire a broader vision and broaden your horizons, unhindered, above the decay of ordinary life.
On the other hand, Perth reminds you that the external is only a reflection of the internal and that there are hidden forces, secret or non-obvious aspects, so that, under the superficial, the true motive that gives meaning to the situation you analyze is hidden. Perhaps there is a need to unravel some mystery.
Perth also points out psychic abilities, birth or initiation of something, and surprises that will be pleasant or not depending on how it is aspected and which runes surround it. There are hidden things that can manifest under the influence of Perth: lost objects that are found, a lover who declares his love, news and all kinds of surprises or unexpected affairs.
Perth involves a mystery, something that is beyond our comprehension and our limited abilities to manipulate things. If it is right, the primary forces (Ørlög) will act in secret and hidden ways for the good of the consultant, because they are operating in their favor deep forces of internal transformation and do so in a hidden, disguised or hidden way.
The Perth rune advises
Be aware of the powerful forces of change that are at work in your life. Even if your achievements are not easy or obvious at first, rest assured that you will move forward. Perth warns that secrets are revealed and, therefore, a certain quality of magical power or aura of mystery is lost in what is unveiled.
Those who are working with runic learning will know that they are ready to receive secret information. Moreover, Perth advises you shops not to focus on the results, nor to tie yourself to the memories of the past, because this prevents you from living the present that is the only real time: the past has already passed, the future is yet to come. The only thing you have is here and now.
Deity associated with the Rune Perth. The Nornas. The Perth rune does not refer to a single God in particular, but to the divine world in general. By symbolizing the flight of the eagle, at high altitude and free of ties, it dominates everything and therefore refers to the spiritual.
It is related to Mimir, the source of wisdom, for which Odin sacrificed his eye in order to drink from its waters, for Perth can help us access our inner "I" and the mysteries of the gods. But it is most often associated with the Norns, ladies of destiny, possessors of the secrets of the Past, Present and Future.
The Norns of the Vikings are equivalent to the Moiras of the Greeks and the Roman Grim Reapers. They are the spinners in whose hands the lives of men are woven, a thread that they could cut at any time, instead of continuing to weave.
From these goddesses, secret masters of human destiny, came later the fairies, who at birth approach the cradle of each child. The Norns, ladies of Destiny their gifts, and in any case, give it a laughing or adverse future, according to its destiny.
Product code: I said Viking shops Rune Perth in Sterling Silver Handmade Vikings