Madera recuperada del mar, ilustrada a mano, protegida con barniz para interior y exterior.
Cada madera utilizada es recuperada de las costas de algunas islas de Canarias, Fuerteventura, Tenerife y Lanzarote. Una vez restauradas las pinto con ilustraciones propias inspiradas en la naturaleza. Para terminar se barnizan para que se puedan colocar en interior o exterior y preserven los colores.
Wood recovered from the sea, illustrated by hand, protected with varnish for interior shops and exterior.
Each wood used is recovered from the coasts of some islands of the Canary Islands, Fuerteventura, Tenerife and Lanzarote. Once restored, I paint them with my own illustrations inspired by nature. To finish they are varnished so that they can be placed indoors or outdoors and preserve the colors.
Product code: Madera de shops mar ilustrada