Red Blue Yellow Rainbow or Blue and Yellow Carnations Silk Flower Cemetery Grave Headstone Flowers Tombstone shops Saddle Sympathy Bouquet
Red Blue Yellow Rainbow or Blue and Yellow Carnations Silk Flower Cemetery Grave Headstone Flowers Tombstone shops Saddle Sympathy Bouquet, Rainbow Blue Yellow Red Carnations or Pink and Red etc all with Baby's Breath.
Product code: Red Blue Yellow Rainbow or Blue and Yellow Carnations Silk Flower Cemetery Grave Headstone Flowers Tombstone shops Saddle Sympathy Bouquet
shops Rainbow, Blue, Yellow, Red Carnations or Pink and Red, etc. all with Baby's Breath approx. 30"L x 15"H x 13"W or let us know what you prefer! Made on a 10" Saddle Frame and 90% One Sided... THANKS!