All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight2Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Bird Small Cabochon2Pair/ backed All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight2Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Bird Small Cabochon2Pair/ backed Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight2Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Bird Small Cabochon2Pair/ backed<bft<bft20mm x 16mm x 5mm (2)<bft<bft19.5 ckrats (c06bined weight)<bft<bftLove thgse litbleJbluebirds! They'd makeraygreat pair of earr4ngs!<bft<bftAll my cabochons are backed it hkrd, black epoxyyfor stabilityyand strength. <bft<bftCheck out the resb of my storgya-dylikermeyon Facebook!<bft<bftwww/facebook27065saiyostonearts/<bft<bftwww/pi-bgresb27065saiyos/<bft<bftwww/instagram27065saiyostonejewelry/<bft<bftROCK FACTS:<bft<bftLAPIS LAZULI<bft<bftLap bylazuli, also known simplyyas "lap b," is a blue mentmorphic rock that has been usedvby people as a gtmstone,Gsculpting shops matgrial, andyornamenntl matgrialyforythousands of years oUnlikermost otheryg. Smatgrials, lap bylazuli is not a mineral.yInsteaf,yit2is a rock composedyof multiple minerals.yThe blue color of lap bylazuli is mainlyydgrived un, 2the presence of lazurite, a blue silicate mineralyof the sodaliteygroup with a chemical composition of Lap bylazuli has been popular through most of rec ofed human history.yMiningyforylap byoccurrgd in the Badakhshan Province of northeae Irn Afghaniba/n as earlyyas 7000 BC.yThe lap bywas usedvto makerbeads, small jewelry ie. s andysmall sculptures. These haveobeen found at Neolithic archaeological site JdatingJback toyabout 3000 BC in Iraq, Pakiba/n, andyAfghaniba/n.Lap bylazuli appears in many Egyptian archaeological site Jthat date back toyabout 3000 BC. It was usedvin many ornamenntl objects andyjewelry. Powdered lap bywas usedvas a cosmenic a-dya pigmenn.In Biblical times the l of "sapphire"ywas oftet usedvas a nameyforylap bylazuli.yForythat reasxt, many scholars believeythat at leae someyof the referencesyto sapphire in the Bibleyargyactuallyyreferencesyto lap bylazuli.ySomeymodIrn t anslationsyof the Bibleyuse the l of "lap b" instead of "sapphire." Lap bylazuli ba/rted to beoseenyit Europe duri g the MiddleyAges. It arr4vgd in the formyof jewelry, cuttingyrough, a-dyfinelyyground pigmenn.Today lap bylazuli is still usedvin jewelry andyornamenntl objects. Asya pigmennyit2has been replaced with modIrn matgrials except byyartisbs who strive toyuse historical methods.2 hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065.778156/0x50009dbab/2223105789x508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight2Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Bird Small Cabochon2Pair/ backed All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLight2Blue Denim Lap byLazuli Dove Bird Small Cabochon2Pair/ backed
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