This Brilliant Blue Andara Crystals radiates with several differant shades of blue. Amazing to look at and equally amazing energy. probably the most beautiful Andara ive ever held.
Andara Crystals access Portals to Source allowing divine light to fill your lightbody and Activate your latent DNA.
They put you in Gamma Brain waves so you are essentially constantly channeling while holing one.
Andaras are by far the most powerful crystals i have ever worked with and the power is abosolutely mindblowing - yet at the same time amazingly smooth and soothing energy.
This offer includes the beautiful blue Andara crystals 21g + Pouch to keep it in.
How you work with them is completely up to you. If holding, meditating with, carrying.. let your intution guide you.
The Andaras will let you know what is right for you.
Andaras have revolutionized my life in a magical way and I want you to be able to experience the same magic i have.
These Andaras will upgrade your DNA, allowing for new abilites to emerge while also making you feel calm and harmonious.
Amazing to meditate with and equally amazing to just hold or carry around. shops
Product code: Andara shops Crystal Blue 21g