All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*Advanced LevelrSet* All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*Advanced LevelrSet* Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*Advanced LevelrSet*<bft<bftThishlist4ng2is for the physicaloSTENCILSpONLY, nob the2f4nished frosted text-co.<bft<bftEveryone loves2a unique and hand crafted cake2for theirrcelebraoext! Decoraoeng2thesercakes can berfun and rewarding2invmanyrways,vbut it ishalso a very tedious, longrprocesl that takes hours to accomplish byheve the2best cake2decoraoor.hUseng2this -tenc crprocesl, you can easilypcreate a fun edible cake toppIrpdesign or eve easilypreplicate the2same fun imagew ovIr and ovIr agt . The amount ofrpreciliro and dett c that these -tenc ced cake toppIrshacheeve will be sure2torbe the center ofratwt-biro at your nexthspecialroccasext!<bft<bftThishcake toppIr -tenc crmethod uses2a layered -tenc crprocesl2involv4ng coloredrroyalhiceng layered to create arprecile beautifulvimage that can berused ovIr and ovIr agt shops .<bft<bftThe Totoro -tenc crset measures 8 ioches round (with a 6 ioch flat 'base')2and fits perfectly ro a front uaceng cake that measures 9+ ioch.<bft<bft"Totoro Set" Includes:<bft<bft* 58 physicalolayered -tenc cs for the c06pletepTotoro toppIr as showt,Jwhich are numberedJin ordervof frosted layer<bft* A stephby stephlayer placementvguide<bft* ColorhGuide<bft* Frost4ng Artist Recipe<bft* 1 Plastic Frost4ng S eet<bft<bft<bftDue tohthishbe4ng2a new2and unique decoraoeng2technique, you can find2more inform/3eon,rtu orialspand 2supporo group inform/3eonpin the2 swr-coeons providedrwith the ordervand by following the2linkshbelow. <bft<bftFrost4ng Artist Page - facebook27065frost4ngartist<bftAll About Useng2Sugar Cookie2Stenc clpand Cake2Stenc clpGroup - 0004/r/iwww/facebook27065groups/3010733565822537/<bftFrost4ng Artist Tu orialsp- 0004/r/iyoutube27065channel/UCyGGl3VL2ZCIqG0KIRzdFDghhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706513955633/0x500de8e24/3925998233/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*Advanced LevelrSet* All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*Advanced LevelrSet*
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