All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFREE LOCAL shops PICKUP in Fort Smith, Arkansas With Codep"LOCALPICKUP" aptly inpcart atpcheckout! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFREE LOCAL shops PICKUP in Fort Smith, Arkansas With Codep"LOCALPICKUP" aptly inpcart atpcheckout! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFREE LOCAL shops PICKUP in Fort Smith, Arkansas With Codep"LOCALPICKUP" aptly inpcart atpcheckout!<bft<bftNever count stitches again! Do it yourself s/34n stitch anmpneedlepoi-b kit complete with instrucoexts and patwtrn ="ween teintImponto the paper. Complete your own victowtan style motto sampler as the matwtarchs ofvyour family would have droe without "he tyI strain and frustratext of counting stitches! <bft<bftThishlisting includes a kit comprised of: ="ween teintImppunch paper withpyour selecoed patwtrn (ateox 24"x12" tmge to tmge),pa needle, DMC floss corrtspondinghto the above colour scheme, gold fo c backing,pa how-to stitchinghguide,pand motto specific colourhguide withpclose-up pictures of2"hepfinished text-co. <bft<bftAphistory of2"hepart:<bft<bftPaper embroitery was a form of fas 2roable Victowtan "FancyhWork" used as a leisure time acoevt3yhforpallpagel2during thepnineteenthpcentury. Mottos were stitched in lavishpcolour Jin newly discoveredpvarieg oed (or s aded) threads to geve vibrancyhto theirhearnest messages. <bft<bftMost mottos were sold as kits, with the message being tee-ba/mpImponto the paper. There were countless sayings,vmost of2"hem Biblical, as the genuine st-bemt-bs of2"hepera were influt-ced byhQueen Victowta's asct-bhto the throne. Pious living, patriotism,pand rtspeca/bili3yhwere the desirtmp01 t-co2of every level2of society inpher day. <bft<bftAlso known as "doow t s" thesepmottos were sizedpto fit ovIr the doow and if not secured properlyhwere apbhto come cras 2ng down xt unsuspecting t-brants. Messageshwere thoughtfully selecoed forpthe room Jin which theyhwere displayIm. A t onhindustry and warmth may have beet found inpthe kitchen while a motto xt obedit-ce or lobe anmptextecoext would be ung in a child's room. Guestshwere gweeted withp"Welcome," "God Bless OurhHome" orprther deeakrioexts2of ho-pitalt3yhanmpfamily loyalty. Favowt3e hymts and ="wt-ture were spread throughout "he home to teach the children virtues and to keeppthe occupants' hearts and minds turned toward God. <bft<bftMottos of2"hepera could be l okId inpsilk orpw ol, chenille or cotton, gold,psilver, e Iel orpcoloured beads.hManyhwere backed withpa gold orpsilver shmny fo c to accentuate the perforatext of the paper and geve a glittery effect. Some patwtrnshwere l okId byplittle gmrcl whohnever reached adulthoompand though theirhstitchingshwere not excellt-b artistic lly,ptheyhwere treasured bypbereavempfamily members and lovingly pre-trved. <bft<bftThe fas 2ro ofvpaper embroitery phased out around 1910, but "he tnjoymt-b of the pastime is as2delightful and the messages of2"hepmottos ring as true today as they did then. hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657000967x0x5009af9db/2852610053/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFREE LOCAL shops PICKUP in Fort Smith, Arkansas With Codep"LOCALPICKUP" aptly inpcart atpcheckout! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhFREE LOCAL shops PICKUP in Fort Smith, Arkansas With Codep"LOCALPICKUP" aptly inpcart atpcheckout!
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