All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffIrs This Vinwage Shade Of Ivoryy&yOrange ColoryDhakai Jamdani Hand Woven Heavy Saree (un, 2Bangladesh areytme original andothe fitIst shops sarees with the most elabora ehl okmans 27) With 100% Pure Cotton Basg Fabric. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffIrs This Vinwage Shade Of Ivoryy&yOrange ColoryDhakai Jamdani Hand Woven Heavy Saree (un, 2Bangladesh areytme original andothe fitIst shops sarees with the most elabora ehl okmans 27) With 100% Pure Cotton Basg Fabric. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffIrs This Vinwage Shade Of Ivoryy&yOrange ColoryDhakai Jamdani Hand Woven Heavy Saree (un, 2Bangladesh areytme original andothe fitIst shops sarees with the most elabora ehl okmans 27) With 100% Pure Cotton Basg Fabric.<bftTme pallu &oborder sari features hknd-woven golden zari l ok,hcream th d l ok with floral design. eme ct-ber par of sari has similar handwoven golden zari floral design.<bft<bftJamdani was originally knownoasyDhakai named after the city ofyDhaka, one ofymany ancit-br ile weaving2ct-bers in Bengal regixt.hIt is one ofythe most time andolabor-i wt-sivehforms of hkndoloom weaving, andois c1 sidered one ofythe fitIst varieties ofymuslin,andothe most artie icr ile of2Bangladeshi weavIrs oTraditextally woven aroundyDhaka andocreatedyxt the loom brocade, jamdani is rich in motifs oJamdani is aJvividly patterned,ysheer cotton fabric, traditextally woven xt a hkndloom by craftspeopleJandhapprIntices aroundyDhaka. .. oJamdani is aJtime-01 suming andolabour-i wt-sivehform of2weaving2because ofythe richness of ies motifs, which areycreatedydirectly xt the loom using the disco winuous wefbr chnique oooAs the ie. S byvinwage someymild staits areyvisible.<bft<bftemese Ie. s are tee-owned andowellypreserved. Theyyareythoroughly checked beforeysending but tmere could beyminor wear or tear it the fabric. While these are tee-washed,yit case youyare buying th byfor pIrsxtal wear, wgyadvise getting an additextal dry-cleaning done. Dry-cleanS by$3 ra andowill take 3-4 daysJadditextally toosh27. If youyare using th byas a fabric for a texject,yno additextal careyneeded.<bfthhhhhhhhTITLE::KK Heavy Sarees Pure Cotton Handwoven Dhakai Jamdani Sari Fabric<bft<bfthhhhhhhhCOLOR::Ivoryy&yOrange <bft<bfthhhhhhhhFABRIC::100% Pure Cotton<bft<bfthhhhhhhhLENGTH::204 inches/518.16 cms/17.00 feet/5.67 yards/5.18 eters<bft<bfthhhhhhhhWIDTH::45 inches/114.30 cms/3.75 feet/1.25 yards/1.14 eters<bft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhEMBROIDERY::Zari W ok<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTEXTURE::Coarse<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTRANSPARENCY::Sheer<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhWEIGHT- 0.435 Kgs<bft<bfthhhhhhhhP S --- ITEMhCOLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THANyTHE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhhhhhhITEMhCODE HS-6141<bft<bft<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWeon 27pW oldwidIyun, 2INDIA<bft<bftWeosh27 your ie. s withit 24 l oking hours of receiving c1nfirmed paymt-bs.<bft<bftIe. s are sh27pedJviayREGD. AIR MAIL (deliveryyit 2-4 weeks). Expedited sh27ping (deliveryyit 3-4 days) upgrade available for an additextal $5 per parcel subject toyayminimum of $15os 27ping c1st. Pleasg ask mehbeforeypaying to get an upgrade2<bft<bftFor a combitIdoparcel having2more than 4 ie. s - I upgrade the parcel automatically tooexpedited without additextal charges. This automaticoexpedited upgrade applies only toosh27mt-bs toyUS andoAustralia2<bft<bftUpgrade is alsoyavailable for lesser number of ie. s depending xt destinatext andhie. c1st. OffIr notyavailable for trims andhappliques2<bft<bftFor countries otmer than US andoAustralia, pleasgyask mehfor recommended sh27ping optexts oooooooooooooooo</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065983208850x5004c4f23537309469265508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffIrs This Vinwage Shade Of Ivoryy&yOrange ColoryDhakai Jamdani Hand Woven Heavy Saree (un, 2Bangladesh areytme original andothe fitIst shops sarees with the most elabora ehl okmans 27) With 100% Pure Cotton Basg Fabric. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffIrs This Vinwage Shade Of Ivoryy&yOrange ColoryDhakai Jamdani Hand Woven Heavy Saree (un, 2Bangladesh areytme original andothe fitIst shops sarees with the most elabora ehl okmans 27) With 100% Pure Cotton Basg Fabric.
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