English Hawthorn Wand-Silver-Quartz Tip-Ogham Rune Hauth-Pendant + shops Stand, Pouch, Selenite Charging Stone
In ancient Yorkshire woodland unaffected by humans I spend many hours searching for just the right tree with fallen branches already seasoned or with just the right branch bearing what has the potential to become a great wand. The tree is asked kindly for its permission and if granted the branch is cut then the wound sealed. The wood is then seasoned for up to two years before being carefully carved, sanded and polished until perfectly smooth and tactile.
This wand has a raw clear quartz crystal point wrapped in sterling silver and bears the Ogham Rune 'Hauth' for Hawthorne with a Sterling Silver point detail. It comes with a stunning pendant made from the same branch which also bears the Ogham Rune with Sterling Silver detail. A stand made from the same branch is included along with a faux suede pouch and Selenite Charging Stone.
Hawthorn wands are used to open insight, provide psychic protection, encourage creativity, aid in the development of self shops confidence, purify, develop patience, detect magic, banish evil spirits, in concealing magic, male potency, and fairy magic.
What you will receive is/are the actual item/s pictured. Each wand comes with my guide to cleansing and empowering your wand.