Midcentury Red Winter Scottie Dog shops Cap-Shearling-Wool-Sportmans hat-Woodsman-Outdoor Gear-New England-Womens aviator-Earflap-warm-small
shops This is the best head I've had in a while. Midcentury women's sporting style cap but make it bright red with fuzzy Scottie dog appliqués all over. I can't even. Cheerfully trimmed in red shearling and black satin quilted lining. Chin strap with silvertone hardware.
In very good condition. Does have one crack in the shearling with is not visible and will not affect wear. Priced as is. Feel free to reference photos and reach out with any questions!
Printed on the quilted lining is some illegible and definitely “insulated with Dacron by DuPont for warmth and comfort”
Union made
Size 7.25
Please message me with questions before purchasing.
All sales are final and ship fast from the Vermont shop.
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