Large Metatron's Cube 15cm BIGsize Orgonite Reiki shops Healing Energy Powerful Orgone Generator Protection Natural Turquoise crystal Power disc
Diameter: 15cm*2cm,
◆Handmade item
◆Can be personalized
◆Made to Order
Orgone has become very popular as a spiritual tool, and as protection against electromagnetic pollution (emf) which pretty much exist in almost every single device or wire that uses power to transfer electricity, For example.. Electrical outlets, Cables, Cell Phone towers, or any common house hold appliance. All of these emit EMF which is very harmful to the body.
As a Intuitive myself I've seen various types of Orgonite. Most of it is poorly crafted with no "Intent" as they say. As in putting good intentions for the entire point of making it. When your choosing Orgonite the best thing to do is think how you feel towards a particular piece of Orgonite. Are you drawn too it? How does it make you feel? Most likely if you are not drawn to it. Chances are it was not meant for you or it was poorly crafted. What matters is the size of the metals such as bronze,copper,aluminum,steel. Large chunks have little or no effect. The finer and smaller the metal shavings the more powerful the Orgone will be!
This particular Orgone Pyramid is made out of a epoxy resin along with Amethyst Crystals and one main Quartz Crystal at the shops top. Measurements